• And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written:
    The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted,
    to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,.
    (Luke 4: 17-19 King James Version).
  • Ministry for the Homeless, Destitute and Addicted

    This support group is a faith-based project that includes social activities. First, we try to understand how a person's upbringing can lead a person psychologically to a life of addictions, deteriorated health, and a distant faith from God. A lot of these consequences have to do with a broken home where spiritual and emotional support doesn't exist due to a lack of strong faith and values, lack of education, lack of belonging, trust, poverty, and so on.

    We try to carry out this heartfelt ministry in the way Jesus helped the beggar blind Bartimaeus; you can find this narrative in the Gospel of Mark chapter 10:46-52. Our focus is on reaching out to the homeless and drug addicts that live on the streets with a long-term vision to take them out of the streets to a future Rural Rehabilitation Center that will give them a life full of hope and true identity in Jesus Christ.

    Seeing their conditions is to us their cry to God and their need for God. Having a rented space once a week allows us to meet some of their needs. We believe that love, acceptance, and compassion create opportunities that build strong relationships regardless of the barriers. Imparting the Gospel of Salvation is our objective in everything we do.

    Note: 98% of homeless people who attend the support group are addicted to some sort of substance like glue sniffers, alcohol, or drugs.

    Ministerio Para Drogadictos
    Evangelism on the Streets

    Ministerio Para Drogadictos
    Meeting Some of Their Needs

    Ministerio Para Drogadictos
    Within the Support Group

    Activities: On the road to restoration.

    Prayer and Worship.
    Share the behaviors expected of them once in the support group.
    Build trust as a principle in the psycho-pastoral approach.
    Talk to them about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
    Provide them with food and beverages.
    Carry out a medical day once a year.
    Aim for the construction of a Quien Soy Yo Rehabilitation Center and recruit them there on a long-term basis for care, restoration, and healing.
    Facilitate a route of healthy activities as part of their restoration process.

    From Darkness to His Admirable Light

    The reality of addictions and violence plunges into the darkness of pain and suffering. Over the years: we have seen that these people, on one side, need specialized attention, and on the other side, we discover their desire to worship God. When it is time to pray and worship, they kneel and cry out to Him. As their tears fall to the ground, you watch and say to yourself, "This is their church! This is where they can be themselves with God.! " without anyone judging them.

    Ministerio Para Drogadictos Indigentes
    Celebrating a Birthday
    Ministerio Para Drogadictos Indigentes
    Group Photo
    Ministerio Para Drogadictos Indigentes
    Their Time With God
    Ministerio Para Drogadictos Indigentes
    Praying for Them

    Another Reality

    You can't use the same approach with addicts from the streets who are looking for affection and a place to belong as you would use with a group that is not from the streets. The methodologies are different.

    Ministering to people that live on the streets must be more practical. This approach needs lots of patience and the wisdom of God. The reality people need to understand is that progress with people on the streets is slowly. You can’t compare it with someone who has a home. People, who have a home and security often look at the people from the streets and say, “Why don’t you get a job?” Or, "Why don't you bug someone else. Leave me alone".

    Therefore, envisioning a dream of a Rehab Center that God has placed in our hearts is real and realistic. It will be life-changing.

    Please pray that God will continue to bless our endeavors. Pray that He would guide us on the streets, especially to those who need His grace.